Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers and they are beautiful anytime they are blooming. I love the Pee Gee Hydrangeas but it’s too warm for them where I live. I was excited to find the Limelite variety that enjoys our climate here in eastern NC. They are gorgeous in the summer, full of beautiful green clusters that turn to white then cream, pink, and burgundy in the fall. This is a shrub bush with different leaves that the classic hydrangea. I hope you will enjoy them with me.
We’ll paint my Fall Hydrangeas in acrylic on canvas or your choice of surface. Size 11×14″. Paint colors are flexible. We’ll concentrate more on values.

Classes are offered as weekly classes to allow time for homework and learning. Critiques are encouraged and offered weekly.
Classes are skill oriented rather than project oriented: I’ll teach the art theory and technique for this painting. I hope to inspire your creativity while challenging you to increase your knowledge and skills.
After the Live portion the class is available as video if you are unable to attend at the scheduled time or if you would like to take the class at a later date.
The videos are available for you to watch as many times as you would like, rewind, and view again. Ask questions in comments and I’ll answer or you can send me an email. Enjoy!
Join me for some fun learning.
More information about Face Book Live classes.
Registration information: This class is available on Face Book as videos. When you register for the class I’ll send prep, photo, and line drawing as well as an invitation to the class. You must have a Face Book account to join the class group.