Snow Fall?

Have you registered yet for the Acrylic Painting Club for the session starting in July?


Snowfall: design by Liz Miller CDA

I’ll teach Snow Fall. There are lots of wonderful teachers joining us this session with terrific and varied designs. Follow my link  to find out more information and see the other designs that are included in session 2.

By joining now you are eligible for our awesome drawings and freebies. Check the Acrylic Painting Club on Face Book for details of drawings.

This is our alternative to not having journals available any longer. It’s on line these days.

Please use my link to register so that I get credit for you joining.

Included in session 2: The opportunity to learn from teachers from around the world!

Each class contains a Tutorial that includes photo, supply list, and detailed instructions. Plus video, hours of instruction that you can watch as many times as you would like, whenever you like. Each video is available 1 yr from date of publishing.

Classes start Aug 1.

Visit the Acrylic Painting Club web site for more information.

Summer At Artful Endeavors

Summer is usually referred to as the time to be lazy. I’ll interpret lazy as a time to enjoy something for yourself, those activities that we often put off because we have to do this or that other thing. So far summer has been far from lazy here at Artful Endeavors, instead it has been full of special events, enjoying out of the ordinary painting occasions. And, there are more of these special times to come!


Liz Miller painted with Susan Crouch from her design

The end of May brought Susan Crouch with her in-depth watercolor workshop. We learned so much and painted so much. Every painting by our participants was lovely, no “need to do overs” in the lot. Of course we now understand how to go about creating our own similar designs, and that’s even better. And we have Susan scheduled for next spring! I’ll have details later for you.


Liz Miller painted with Susan Crouch from her design

DSC_1076 Susan-and-Liz web-susan-and-Merry-K

I’m editing more photos from the seminar and will have those to show you soon.

This week I’m off to a watercolor seminar, learning and increasing my skill. Maggie and I are headed to Charlotte to paint with Anne Abgott for a colorful 3 days of learning and painting. I’ve painted with Anne once before, before I knew much of anything about watercolors, and she is an excellent teacher. She loves vibrant color so her style is just fine for me. We’ll be mingling colors.
More when we return.

Wish I lived Closer

I keep getting this comment from you that don’t live any near Raleigh. Well, I’ll come to you!  You can have me right in your home if you register for the Acrylic Painting Club.


In Session 2 I’ll teach my Snowfall design.  Hope you are up for some cool painting.



Register now to be eligible for freebees, treats, and drawings!

Register Now!




Seminars Coming Up

2015 is an exciting year for seminars at Artful Endeavors.  Four seminars/workshops and all with exciting instructors coming to share their expertise with us.

Grace: Gail Schmidt

Grace: Gail Schmidt

ArtFling with Gail Schmidt and me is happening very soon, in a little over a week actually. We always have such fun when Gail is here, nice messy, creative fun. Get ready to laugh a lot and wear an apron.

Live; Liz Miller CDA

Live; Liz Miller CDA


Then our watercolor seminar with Susan Crouch is just at the end of May.  Susan is looking forward to sharing with us and she is such a wealth of information.  Our seminar is full, prep sheets have been sent out and we are ready to paint.

In July Ros Stallcup is here and again the seminar is full with enthusiastic painters. Participants have their preps and photos are posted. The projects this year are extra wonderful. I can’t decide which one I like best and maybe I don’t have to decide because I’ll just paint all of them.

You can see the photos on Ros seminar page on this web site.

Kathie George plans to be here with us in Nov. Check back for an update a little later.


Many Thanks.

It’s been a difficult March with my sister’s illness and death. I’ll always miss her smile and acceptance, all the fun shopping, trips, talks, family gatherings, and just knowing that she was there.  But now she does not have to go through more chemo and pain.

I am overwhelmed by all the caring emails, face book posts, cards, and calls from all of you. Thanks you very much. You are helping me through this.

My sister always knew how to get a gathering of friends and family together and her visitation and funeral were no exceptions. I’ve see cousins and friends that I haven’t seen in years and years.  And we’ll all miss Karen.

Thanks you again.


It’s Snow This Time

No classes today, Tue, 2/24. Snow is coming down and covering the roads already!
Remember that news letter I sent yesterday? Well I’m ready to paint but the weather is not ready for us to be out on the roads. We’ll try again next week.

But do something artsy today. That’s your homework. Paint, study, read, draw…. Just create. I’ll look forward to hearing and seeing what you created.
Check back to see if we are able to have classes tomorrow.

But you can still get your painting in this week. Plan to join us on Sat to paint our Sleeping Bunny. You can register on line and there is no prep. I’ll have everything ready for you Sat, 12noon-4p.web-sleeping-bunny_edited-1

Wed Classes 2/18

web Helan B snowmanStill cold and colder here in the Triangle area. Black ice on the roads tomorrow am.

No classes on Wed, 2/18, or Thurs, 2/19.  It’s a paint at home day.

We’ve rescheduled our snow men class from tomorrow till March 5, 9a-5p.

Stay warm and see you next week.
