Jan Update

Doorway 1

Doorway 1

Just a few update notes for you. I need to get back to some painting.

  • As you know we missed a Tue class for the weather so be sure to check the changed dates for classes.
  • We’re enjoying our Wed day, Doorway class so much that we’ve decided to add another week for a second door, The Blue Doorway. So be sure to check these dates also. Those of you who missed this week’s class can come next Wed for the first week of your doorway class.
  • We’ve added a class to our Wed evening schedule, Side-loading 202.  A good opportunity for a refresher. Plan to join us on Feb 5th.
  • I’m adding more workshop and “Play Day” classes. Be sure to check for these. What’s a play day? Check the workshop schedule.
  • Be sure to check the seminar info for our July seminar with Ros!  Mark your calendar and register now.
  • Paints are restocked and the rack is full. I also received a shipment of canvases and art boards.
  • I’ve received a shipment from DecoArt of their new Chalky Finish Paints and new stencils.  These new 2014 products are not available for purchase yet, so we are favored to have them to play with this quick.  And they are wonderful.  Classes are planned to explore them. Ros will be using some of them in her seminar projects too.
  • Gail Schmidt was asked by DecoArt to design some mixed media projects for them and for us. The first of these using DecoArt products is on their web site now!
    Check it out!
  • And lastly, please remember to pay/register for your class at least a week prior to the class. You’ll receive your prep when I receive your class fee.  If people don’t pay they don’t have a tendency to show up for the class.  Thanks much.
