* Tue am class: We have not had the attendance for the Tue am class so I am going to take a break on Tue am. No class on Tue am May, June, July, and Aug. I’ll reevaluate at the end of the summer. This way I can schedule workshops on Tue am or use the time to paint.
▪ Right now our Wed classes are small enough that anyone wanting to make up a class or work on an individual project can join us on Wed. Just let me know when you want to come. You can come 10-12:30p, 1-3:30, or 4p-6p.
▪ I have updated the class schedules on the web site so be sure to check. I plan to post a newsy letter about once a month and try to not take up so much time on the computer. Watch the web site and Face Book for photos and updates.
▪ I still have seats in our seminars with Ros Stallcup and Mark Polomchak. Details are on the web site. I just sent out the Mark Polomchak info. again.
▪ Check out my on line classes at Creative Workshops. Cat’s Eyes and Sunning Turtles are new this year. I you can’t come to the studio to paint with me, this in a great option
▪ Our seminar with Susan Crouch is next week! All participants should have received an email from me and one from Susan with a pattern. Let me know if you didn’t receive it. Be sure to check you spam folder first.
▪ We have more watercolor classes coming up. Come join us. Check the web site for our schedules.
▪ We have a portrait workshop with me scheduled for May 19 and 20th. If you would like to join us, find a photo that you would like to use and contact me by May 2. I’ll work with you on any level of experience, beginning portrait artist are welcome. It’s fun!
▪ We have the John Gutcher Santa scheduled for May 26 and 27. And hope that the weather is good and we are all well and can finally have this class. Let me know if you can join us.