Add a Cat

Blending modes, layers, layer masks, desaturation, brushes…  It’s the language that I’m learning and techniques that I’m learning to use in my Photoshop Artistry course. And so much fun. This course is excellent and contains so much information.  And he give us homework!!  Of course that just means that I get to play with the techniques with my own photographs,… or sometime some of my husband’s or sister’s photos.

This is one of my “creations” using photos that my sister took on vacation. Originally the cat and shutters were not there.web-girl-and-cat_edited-1











And here’s a photo creation using a photo of my cat.


Kitty, kitty, kitty

I hope we’ve see the last of being snowed in and can get back to our painting together.

I’m back in the studio now and have worked on our next paintings for classes.  It’s been fun working on this delightful Lydia Steeves design, Bucket of Cats. Of course, painting animals is one of my favorite subjects, … along with portraits, landscapes, still lifes … well, I just love to paint.

I’ve done some progressive photos of my kitten painting so that you can see the painting evolve.  I’m saving the third kitten to paint with our students.  There’s still time to join us since we’ve had to revise our dates since we’ve been enjoying snow days.

Step 1

Step 1

First kitten finished

First kitten finished

Second kitten finished.

Second kitten finished.

Seeing! A Little reference please.

old trucks

old trucks

Seeing. It’s what we artist do.  It’s how we create. We’re especially good at observing and turning our observations into art.  Reference Photos is my next tutorial on really seeing rather than just looking.

As Referred To:  As I’m starting a new painting it’s important to me to have reference photos, especially when I can’t go out to see the real thing when I’m ready to work.  I keep reference files on my computer and print out the ones that I feel are pertinent to the design I’m creating.    Read more…

Not Snow Again!

Once again winter has descended upon us bringing more snow and icy conditions. So, no Wed classes I’m sorry to say. We want everyone to stay warm and safe. Raleigh students for tomorrow’s classes send me an email to let me know you received this email.

Cary class:  At least half of our Cary class can’t make it tonight so there will be no Cary class this evening either.  Base your coffee pot with a medium light blue color with Prussian Blue + Light Buttermilk.  Add your squiggles with thinned Light Buttermilk.  Eggs are the background color so no basecoat is needed.  Send me an email to let me know you got the word.

We will not have the Friday, Feb 14 class since I have only one registered.  If you are interested in painting the Sodas and Sundaes later let me know. web snow fence

Your home work, even those of you not currently registered for tomorrow’s classes, is to take more snow reference photos. Then using them, paint (acrylics, colored pencils, watercolors …) a miniature snow scene like the one in this email.  Not the same scene but you get the idea. You don’t need a pattern, make it up as you go.  Maybe use some unusual colors.  Make sure you create a center of interest, using maybe a tree, a snow drift, a rock, an animal in your focal area. Just make sure it’s an area not just one item. I’ll look forward to seeing your creations.  Bring them to the studio to show us.

I’m so sorry to keep missing so many classes. I have never had to cancel so many classes in one year! We’ll hope this is the last time and get back to painting next week.

I’ll look forward to seeing all of you next week.  Enjoy the snow! 


Photo Artistry

Burkes Garden

Burkes Garden

We’re artsy in my family. Even the cats are creative in their mischief. My cat Dusty is currently working on the perfect shredded effect for his favorite new toy, a cloth cube with entry holes in 3 sides.  He has decided it needed more holes. Quite interesting. We’ll see him sitting there with his head poked out the top of this 12 x 12″ cube.

Any way, that was a long lead into my real news. My husband, the photo artsy one, has his new web site up and running. He’s an excellent photographer, has the eye for it. So stop by his web site to see his photos and possible one of them would look wonderful on your wall.

Clothes Line in Fog

Clothes Line in Fog


Beaufort Sunset


Did you see it yet?

I just received the Issue 1 2014 of the Decorative Painter and, my latest article is in it!

Decorative Painter Issue 1 2014

Decorative Painter Issue 1 2014

Be sure to check it out.


This has been a very popular project here at the studio so I hope you enjoy it.  Liz


You can join the Society of Decorative Painters to find out the latest happenings in decorative painting and receive the journal filled with terrific new projects each issue.

Cobalt and Hydrangeas

Artistic Mud Pies

As much fun as making mud pies!  Remember those day when you were a kid?  My Grandmother had a wonderful muddy area after the rain where I could create till my heart was content. Always exciting.

We’re adding a little something new to our painting adventures, Play Days.  On our play days we’ll gather to explore a new technique idea, new product, old idea revisited, or anything else we come up with.  I won’t do as much teaching as sharing our creative idea for the day and we’ll all experiment with this concept.  It’s always interesting to see how others develop their version of the same concept, product, or idea. Let’s share our creative spirits and explore our creativity.

Our first Play Day is Feb 28, Friday, 10a-2p. Creating masks for watercolor or acrylic washes.  We’ll use our original photos to create masks and use washes to bring out our design elements. Look for a photo or photos that you can easily reduce to black and white, only these two values. I’ll furnish the paints and the watercolor paper.  You bring your imaginations. All levels, experience not required to share our experience.

Register now!

You can see more detail in my previous post, Watercolor Moo………….

Cow Abstract watercolor

Cow Abstract watercolor

Artfully DigitaLized

While I was playing working from home the last couple of snow days, the cats and I have had fun with some photo art. At least I had fun. The cats mostly slept through the fun.  My actual camera was at the studio so I was ,or was it elevated, to taking photos with my Samsung S4. Who knew I could do so much fun stuff with my phone’s camera and editor.  Well here they are.  I’m ready to do some more of this photo art.



Up Close.

Up Close.

Did someone call me?

Did someone call me?

Snow Cat

Snow Cat

Watercolor Mooooo….

I’ve been playing around with a watercolor technique where I reduce a photo down to black and white, increase contrast to the max, and just have fun with washes.  I was pleased my with cow design from a photo that my husband had taken.  Here is the original photo so you can see some of my progression.

I plan to make a video of this design and offer it on Creative Workshops.

You can see this photo on Rick’s web site plus many more of his art photos.

Cow by Rick Watd

Cow by Rick Watd

Cow black and white by Rick Ward

Cow black and white by Rick Ward

Cow Abstract watercolor

Cow Abstract watercolor


More Snow!

It’s coming, the snow that is.  Wake county schools are closing for today and my inclement weather policy is no classes if the schools are closed.

There are no classes Tue or Wed at Artful Endeavors.  I want everyone to be off the roads and safe.

However, I will be at the studio from 9a-12noon if anyone wants to come in this Tues am to paint, or doesn’t check the web site.

Your homework is to draw or paint something. Study the snow, the shadows, the colors,

web snow fence

A quick easy and fun snow scene.

how it looks coming down. Take reference photos.  Sketch that thing in the yard with snow all over it.  Bring it in next week and show me what you did.   Take an online class.  My Mastering Decorative Painting Basics part 2 on Creative Workshops goes over side loading techniques. Always a good review. Or you might find another class that strikes your fancy. My Drawing Faces would be a great class.  Just do something artsy.  I’ll look forward to hearing about it next week.

Stay warm, dry, and mostly safe while you enjoy the snow.  It should be beautiful.
