Beginning our painting Safari with a herd of Giraffes. Do I hear a herd of Zebras on the way?
Dry brushing with DecoArt Acrylics. Original design by me.
Our last seminar of the year is coming up soon and it’s an awesome painting time with Kathie George. There are still seats available so let me know if you would like to join us.
Nov 14-16 & 17, 2016.
Remember there are the 3 day seminar and the special workshop. More details.
Wow, what a memorable seminar we had with Mark Polomchak. We had a full house for the entire weekend whether rain, wind, or sunshine. An adventure for sure.
On Friday we actually completed 2 terrific paintings, the hummingbird and the ocean view, and were pleased with our accomplishments. Painters new to painting with Mark and repeat enthusiasts were smiling as we left for the day or went out for a group dinner, all in anticipation of a blustery next day. Friday evening was spent watching the hurricane progress up the east coast.
Saturday brought everyone back for more painting as we watched the rain and wind outside the windows. Appropriately we painted a rain scene, a group favorite. Then home early just in time, we hoped, to miss the worsening weather.
Then Sunday amidst sunshine most everyone was able to return to paint
again and share personal hurricane stories. Our bicycle paintings, a relatively new painting for Mark to teach, were not disappointing. And we kept Ryan, The Framer, busy framing our favorites.
And Mark says he come teach for us next year, hurricane or no hurricane. Watch for dates as our plans develop.
We have some wonderful teachers traveling to Artful Endeavors to hold seminars for us this year.
Our seminar with Ros Stallcup is almost full. There are just a few seats available. Contact Liz regarding availability. Register now!
We still have a couple of seats available in our seminar with Mark Polomchak.
Kathie George and I are making plans for our Nov seminar. Sure to be exciting.
The first of the year is a time for me to check my to-do list to see what ideas first inspire me for my upcoming art work. Some ideas sit on the list for awhile until the time comes when it just seems to stand out and say “it’s my turn now”. It’s so much fun to look back at my lists. Some ideas are instantly inspiring and some ideas make me wonder what I meant by that. I’m dragging out my list this month so stay tuned to see what’s coming up.
Our classes have their to-do lists also. Some ideas stay exciting and some fall by the way side. Here are a few ideas on our list for this winter:
more batik, I have lots of Kathie George’s patterns to chose from
more Tjaps
Sherri Nelson wren
another skyscape
Pet portraits
more watercolor!!!
playing with colored pencils
paint your own landscape from your photo
Kathie George’s rooster with pastel pencil over watercolor, or maybe another subject, same technique
Wow, I’m excited with all the possibilities for this year. Plan to join us.
I’m back from business research/photo trip otherwise called vacation. We had a great time and I took lots of reference photos of waterfalls, water, clouds, and more. Now I’m inspired and ready to start painting something.
I’m here for classes to resume this week and we have lots happening in the next few weeks.
We’re working on the Dorothy Dent fall scene in our Wed classes, but have a workshop on this same design on Friday, 10-3p. If you have missed it let me know quickly so we can get you into the Fri workshop.
Then on Saturday is our Pet Portrait class with lots of pet enthusiasts ready to work on portraits. I’m looking forward to seeing all the animals take shape. I’ve seen the photos to approve them and we have some terrific designs about to happen.
Halloween weekend Mark Polomchak is coming to teach for our chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters, CADANC. So it’s an exciting watercolor weekend planned. There are still a couple of seats for Sat and Sun available if you would like to join us. Mark is awesome and this will be my first opportunity to paint with him.
And then Kathie George is here, Nov 16, 17, & 18 for our seminar! Kathie is always such fun and she is always introducing us to new techniques and products. What in the heck do we do with sanded paper? Kathie will show. There are still a few seats available if you can join us. There’s more information on the web site and you can register there also.
Then we have more holiday painting coming up in Nov, a Santa, ornaments, watercolor, and silver! So plan to join us.
I’ll get the web site schedules updated this week so please check them for what’s happening before Christmas.
More later!
Just finished my cat painting from our last pet portrait class. When I’m teaching I do demonstrate but don’t always get a chance to complete my painting. I’m usually circulating, helping each student as needed. This sometimes makes my own painting incomplete, even if I’ve finished demonstrating.
This weekend I decided that it was time to finished Annie’s portrait. It had been sitting around half painted long enough. Of course I almost completely painted it over again. I’m not always in the same “place” with my painting and want to update. And maybe I see something different or better.
I do like to paint colorful. I guess you can tell. And I think the turquoise is a wonderful accent color. Annie has beautiful big green eyes and I wanted to make sure they were the focus of my painting. She communicates so wonderfully with her eyes.
Anyway, here is Annie! And my husband recognized her!
I’ve been busy developing the concepts, designing, and painting new classes for our Sept schedule. Of course lots of my inspirations come from our terrific students who are always wanting to learn and explore. And who come up with challenging ideas.
Since the holiday season always comes upon us quickly our students have encouraged me to bring out the holiday designs.
We’ve started the Halloween painting with Midnight Howl, a spooky Shirley Wilson design. We’re painted this in one class and will begin it in Cary next Tue evening, Sept 8. There’s still time to join us.
And then there is always Santa! Everyone get an opportunity to paint this whimsical fellow, a Shirley Wilson design also. Shirley Wilson’s Star Santa
Classes start:
Sept 16, Wed am in Raleigh, 10a-2p.
Sept 22. Tue, 6:15-8:15 in Cary
Oct 3, Sat, 10a-2p Raleigh.
And then there is my watercolor Black Capped Chickadee. I’m learning more and more about watercolor and enjoying them very much. We’ve wanted to paint a bird in Susan Crouch style and here is my version. I was very pleased with this one.
Class starts Wed am, 10-2p, Raleigh.
Our Floral Still Life intensive workshop is coming up soon, Sept 26 & 27 to be exact. If you haven’t registered yet. We’re almost full.
We love to have you join our Sept learning opportunities at Artful Endeavors. I’m learning so much and am excited about sharing with you.
Come join us! Liz
Our seminar with Susan Crouch is now full and I’m not surprised because Susan is such a wonderful, sharing artist. We had such a great time last May and learned so much.
And registrations for our seminar with Kathie George are coming in quickly. Reserve your seat now so that you don’t miss out. Register Now!