Winter on the Farm
a Ginger Edwards design
All of us are wrapping up 2013 along with our gifts and will soon look forward to 2014. We have a few paintings left to complete and lots of holiday celebrating to enjoy.
At Artful Endeavors I’m looking forward to some time for family and friends, and then some catching up time.
Our last Tue am open class is tomorrow morning if you need to finish something before the holidays.
On Wed we’ll finish our last paintings for this year in our day and evening classes.
We’ll have a 3 week break for holiday enjoyments. Classes will resume Jan 7 & 8, 2014.
Remember our Jan 5th New Year’s Back to Painting Party. I post details separately.
The students and I have worked on our Jan/Feb 2014 schedule and I’m in the process of posting it on our web site. Be sure to check out the outstanding new projects that we’ve chosen. Some from our favorite journals, some that are my own design, and some we’ll design ourselves. I’ll post photos as soon as I have the samples painted. And keep checking back because you know we always tweak the schedules a bit. Our workshops are projects that we’ve wanted to schedule for some time. Mark your calendar and plan to join us.
I’ll add more of our 3 hr workshops. Right now I’m collecting ideas and saving my favorites.
And speaking of our web site, have you see it in the last week? Our web designer, me, has been hard at work over the Thanksgiving break giving it a new look that will work on most browsers, and allow you to find everything easily. Let me know if it works easily for you.
I wish everyone of you a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas and I’ll look forward to seeing you in Jan.