I’m working on getting the web site updated and will have all the classes posted soon. We’ve been planning classes for the rest of the year and hope you can join us. A little holiday sprinkled with some other favorite designs + lots of imagination.
I’m working on getting the web site updated and will have all the classes posted soon. We’ve been planning classes for the rest of the year and hope you can join us. A little holiday sprinkled with some other favorite designs + lots of imagination.
I’m traveling to the Society of Decorative Painters conference this week! And I’m eagerly looking forward to seeing friends that I haven’t see in too long and learning from the classes I’ll take. I have my colored pencils packed and my acrylic supplies. My classes will be with Mark Menendez, Janelle Johnson, and Lorinda Hull for colored pencil, and Sharon Hamilton for acrylic. It will be fun to do something our of my usual area of expertise.
I’ll try to post photos from the conference so watch our Artful Endeavors Face Book page.
I just got congratulated for making the cover of the summer Decorative Painter Journal. I haven’t see it yet so it will be a surprise to me.
On Creative Workshops!My Summer Romance is at Creative Workshops now and available for some relaxing summer painting. It’s time to add a little romance to our paintings with this fun feminine design. We’ll exercise our shading techniques to create shiny pearls and a gracefully flowing hat brim. Then we’ll set all of our items down on a surface to give the effect of just waiting to be picked up. Join us in painting this quiet summer moment. Theory and Techniques included: Light Source, Side Loading, Shading and |
Pink Hydrangeas Packet AvailableYou’ve asked for a packet for my Pink Hydrangeas design in acrylic. It will be available when I return from conference. Watch the blog and Face Book for information on ordering. Packets will be sent in email form. |
Seminars for 2017Registration is open!Ros Stallcup: July 19-22, 2017 |
Register now for our 3 day seminar with Mark Polomchak.Mark is back with more watercolor excitement. Plan to join us Aug 26, 27, & 28. Sunday: Koi |
Our seminar with Kathie Georgeis scheduled for Nov 13-15, 2017. I’ll post details soon. Kathie has just returned from her Africa painting journey. She’ll have lots of exciting details to share with us. |
Weekly Classes and WorkshopsWe’re adding to our schedules so be sure to check the web site for updates. |
Have a nice week and I’ll see you back at the studio next week. Liz |
Our seminar schedule for this year has come together with some exciting teachers returning. Plan ahead, mark your calendars, and register soon.
July 19-22: Ros Stallcup. Our all new projects have been chosen and registration is open. Register Now August 26-28: Mark Polomchak. We’ll choose our projects a little later, however, registration is open. Register Now. November 13-15: Kathie George. We’ll have more information later in the year but you know it’s going to be exciting. |
Upcoming Workshops |
Feb 3: Batik. 10a-3p. Choose your design and join us for a day of batik.
March 3, 4, & 5: 10a-4p. Portrait Workshop. Join us to learn about painting a portrait. Bring a photo of someone you would like to paint. We’ll work on creating a likeness. More details. March 24: Colored Pencil. Watch for details. Watch for more workshops this winter and spring. Plan to join us. |
Wow, what a memorable seminar we had with Mark Polomchak. We had a full house for the entire weekend whether rain, wind, or sunshine. An adventure for sure.
On Friday we actually completed 2 terrific paintings, the hummingbird and the ocean view, and were pleased with our accomplishments. Painters new to painting with Mark and repeat enthusiasts were smiling as we left for the day or went out for a group dinner, all in anticipation of a blustery next day. Friday evening was spent watching the hurricane progress up the east coast.
Saturday brought everyone back for more painting as we watched the rain and wind outside the windows. Appropriately we painted a rain scene, a group favorite. Then home early just in time, we hoped, to miss the worsening weather.
Then Sunday amidst sunshine most everyone was able to return to paint
again and share personal hurricane stories. Our bicycle paintings, a relatively new painting for Mark to teach, were not disappointing. And we kept Ryan, The Framer, busy framing our favorites.
And Mark says he come teach for us next year, hurricane or no hurricane. Watch for dates as our plans develop.
It’s been a busy summer around here! It’s hard to believe that summer is in it’s last half and autumn is peaking around the corner. We’re scheduling fall projects and planning for our holiday and Christmas painting!
Many of our painters have been in and out of classes this summer with vacations, and visitors, so scheduling upcoming classes has been a little slow. And, I’m sure you won’t be surprised, we change our collective mind. I am in the process of updating the class schedules now so keep checking back to see what’s coming.
We’ve just finished with our seminar with Ros Stallcup and it was even more terrific this year. All the paintings turned wonderful. We met with old friends and made new ones as happens each year. Our participants helped us come up with some ideas for next year, too. It’s always fun each spring to see what Ros created from our basic ideas each year as she paints entirely new projects for us. We’ll just have to wait to find out, and it’s always a surprise. We have dates for 2017 so mark your calendars for July 19-22, 2017 and plan to join us. Seats this year filled up quickly so keep checking back for more details.
Our seminar with Mark Polomchak is coming up next, Oct 7-9. There are a couple of seats available for all 3 days. On Aug 1, next Mon, single seats will be available so if you want to participate for the 3 days, contact me this week. If you are looking for a single day, contact me next week before the seats are gone. Pay balance or register now.
I’ll have news for you on our seminar with Kathie George very soon. I’m in the process of selecting projects from some new exciting painting from Kathie. Check back just a little later.
We have some wonderful teachers traveling to Artful Endeavors to hold seminars for us this year.
Our seminar with Ros Stallcup is almost full. There are just a few seats available. Contact Liz regarding availability. Register now!
We still have a couple of seats available in our seminar with Mark Polomchak.
Kathie George and I are making plans for our Nov seminar. Sure to be exciting.