We had a great time painting with Ros this summer. It was a week full of painting with old friends and meeting new ones while enjoying Ros again. I have lost exact count but this was somewhere around 18 or 19 yrs of seminars with Ros. Each one successful. Our dates for next year are July 22-26, yes, we’re planning 4 days next year. We have some good ideas planned and would love to have you join us. We’ll call next year our 20th year anniversary!
Registration is open for our seminar with Kathie George for three days of mixed media exploration! Always fun and educational. Registration, photos, and more information.

Night Hunter Liz Miller CDA
ArtFling is coming up Sept 5 and 6, that’s Fri and Sat. Join Gail Schmidt and me for more mixed media fun. We’re asking everyone to register by sending in your fee by Aug 8. That’s coming up soon so be sure to get your seminar fee submitted. Let us know if you want Gail to supply the surface for you. More info and on line registration. Register now!

Summer Geraniums stage 2.
I’ve updated the class schedule on the web site so be sure to check for updates. There are a few date changes and we have some exciting plans for new projects. I’ll be designing more original paintings and will have photos on the web site as soon as they are painted.

Straw Fish
Our Aug 9, Saturday workshop is coming up soon. We’re painting fish with a straw and acrylic inks! What fun. We’ll probably have time to play around with this technique with other animals. Register by Aug 4 so that I have time to plan.

Watercolor Sheep: my painting from a workshop with
A Susan Crouch design
I have some exciting news for you. We have award winning watercolor artist, Susan Crouch coming for a seminar at Artful Endeavors, May 29, 30, and 31, 2015. This is a theory and techniques seminar and you will probably not be completing specific projects during the seminar. Our focus in on learning not finishing a project. You can find more information on this web page. I’m still working on the page and need to get photos from Susan to post.
More info about Susan. I’ll open the seminar on Sept 5. Participation is limited to 15. Susan is from Statesville, NC so one of our NC artists.
NC St. Fair 2015
It’s time to get you entries planned for this year’s NC state fair. Entry forms need to be completed and mailed or emailed by Sept 19, 2015.
Be sure to notice that the groups have changed. There is no professional group any longer. There is E/experienced, 5 yrs or more of experience, or N/novice, less than 5 yrs experience.
You can enter one item in up to 10 categories.
You can find the complete instructions at http://www.ncstatefair.org/2014/Competitions/Entering/documents/HandicraftsandHobbies.pdf
And on line entry at http://www.ncstatefair.org/2014/Competitions/Entering/HandicraftsandHobbiesCompetition.html
I’ll look forward to seeing you entries this year. I know they will be awesome.
Just a few un-fun notes:
- I receive many telemarketing calls each day so I let the phone go to voice mail if I don’t recognize the number. If you are not a telemarketer be sure to leave a message so I’ll know you are a real person interested in something to do with painting.
- Someone has blocked century link/embarqmail from receiving email from Artful Endeavors by labeling us spam. Anyone with one of these email addresses will not be receiving emails from me unless you go to your email provider and tell them you want to receive artfulendeavors@raleigh.twcbc.com emails. Please pass the word if you know anyone from this provider who is wondering why I am not sending them email any longer. They are missing out on seminar and class information.
- You are receiving emails from Artful Endeavors because you have requested to do so. I do not solicit email addresses from any other source. If you would like to be removed from our email address please just let me know and I will be glad to remove you. Do not just mark our emails as spam. You block everyone else from your email provider from receiving our emails.
- If you have requested our emails and are not getting them, and have a different email provider you might have our emails in your spam folder. Be sure to add us to your address book.
Come paint with us soon.