A few important notes for you:
· We’re painting with Ros next week so there are no regular classes. The following week I am taking off for a short break to catch my breath. Classes will resume on Aug 6 & 7. Tue open class resumes on Aug 6. Let me know if you plan to join us.
· We have lots of fun painting planned for Aug so be sure to plan ahead. You can register for all the classes on line or at the studio.

Wed am starts the Wolf on Aug 7 so be sure to get your prep this week. He’s a handsome fellow I think. Register now.
· Wed pm continues with Basics on Aug 7 with Trudy Beard’s Garden Shed. We’ll be using lots of good refresher techniques and finishing a delightful painting in our 3 hrs. Anyone can join us for some painting fun. Register this week.
· Wed afternoon, 2p-4p, painters are working on the Iris in our open class. If you want to paint this beautiful design join us either this week, tomorrow, or Aug 7 . Get your prep this week.
· Our Cary classes are moving in Aug. So far we are painting the Iris at Linda’s house. If you are interested in joining us

starting Aug 13, contact me to register and get directions.
· ArtFling update: If you can’t resist joining us for Gail’s Gelli Print class, and I hope you can’t resist, please register by July 30. Gail needs to order our Gelli mats so that we’ll be prepared. Plan on joining my nostalgic, misty morning, Rope Swing class too. I won’t teach this project again for at least 6 mo. So don’t pass up this opportunity. Don’t’ forget to register by July 30. Did I mention that you should register by July 30?

Gelli Class
· It’s also time to register for the Cobalt and Hydrangeas if you haven’t do so already. This will be the last time I’ll teach this project for about a year. Register by Aug 23.
· We’ve schedule another parent/child class for Aug 6, that’s Tue afternoon, 1p-3p. We’re painting a light house! Plan to join us. Register by contacting me by the end of July.
Hope to see you at our air-conditioned studio in Aug!
Liz Miller CDA
Artful Endeavors
200 Sawmill Rd, Suite 201
Raleigh NC 27615