I have to be careful of what I wish for. I’ve wanted time to figure out how to have live on line classes. Well I’ve been forced into it now that we can’t have studio classes. There are good things about our current “safe mode”. Our Face Book Live classes have been successful so far; at least the students seem to like what we’re doing. It’s been a work in progress, figuring out the working details as we go, and there are still bug to fix, but we have had classes. Students have been great as they demonstrate patience and understanding of our new method of having classes. This is new to all of us and we’re learning together.
So far we’ve focused on acrylic landscapes using DecoArt Americana paints but we’re going to branch out into other mediums and subjects.
When we’re ready to start studio classes again for local students and seminars for students that travel to our area we can still have the Face Book Live classes for students that aren’t about to be at the studio with us. And that’s a good thing.
The advantage to using Face Book Live is that when I finish the live video, the class is immediately available for students to view as many times as they would like. It’s always nice to go back to see what you missed the first time through. And students can join the class at any time because the video class is available.
Plan to join us on Face Book for some painting fun.