This was a live class and is now available as video.
I am an avid cloud watcher. I love the unique varieties in the types of clouds that grace our skies. As a child I learned to find faces, human or animal, in clouds and still do. It’s such fun watching the shapes change and watching clouds in various weather conditions. Since we often paint clouds in a beautiful sunny sky in this painting I wanted to create a moodier cloud-scape.
I’ve painted on a 11 x 14″ canvas for ease of camera use but a large painting of this would be exciting. Paints are DecoArt Americana Acrylic.

Coming Storm now $40
(You can pay with a credit card on PayPal without having a PayPal account. Thank you.)Classes are skill oriented: I’ll teach the art theory and technique for this painting. I hope to inspire your creativity while challenging you to increase your knowledge and skills.
Registration information: This class is available on Face Book as videos. When you register for the class I’ll send prep, photo, and line drawing as well as an invitation to the class. You must have a Face Book account to join the class group.
The videos are available for you to watch as many times as you would like, rewind, and view again. Ask questions in comments and I’ll answer or you can send me an email. Enjoy!
Join me for some fun learning.