Artful Endeavors Update
Happy Friday! Lots going on at Artful Endeavors so this is a “news briefs” update.
• Today is the day we asked everyone to be registered for our ArtFling coming up very soon. If you are wanting to join us please let me know at least by Sunday. We need to get our supplies together. Gail and I are both excited and looking forward to our creative time with you.
• Registration is open for Ros. Register now. Rates go up in April.
• We’re working on the schedule right now and have chosen some terrific new projects to work on. I’ll have a schedule put together soon. Just mark off Tues or Weds and plan to be here with us.
• We have some new faces you’ll see in classes and we’re glad to have them join us! I know you’ll make them feel welcome.
• I’m working on a new web site! “Old Blogger” has bit the dust though some functions still work, like most class registrations. After an intensive search and a frustrating!!! beginning, I like what I’m creating. There’s a lot to transfer over and it will take some time, so be sure to read the newsletter, like this one, to keep up with schedules, ect.
• Next week we start our Paint Your Own Landscape on Wed am. There’s still time to join us but be sure to contact me on Mon or Tue to discuss your photo and prep.
Mar 6, 13, & 20. 10am-2p. Paint Your Own Landscape. $120.
• Our Good Friday Bunny, Parent and Child (or friend, or just yourself) class is coming up, that’s Mar 29 when the kids are all out of school. We will limit the attendance at this class so be sure to contact me soon. It’s $28 for single registration fee, but only $44 for parent/child. Plan to join us. We are filling. I’ll have some good ideas and will paint this fellow very soon so that you can see him.
• Sorry I missed last Tue. I would rather have been with you than home sick, but I’m back! I’ll look forward to seeing all of you on Tue am.
• Tue evening class will continue with the second week of our Mill. See you there!
Well, that the news, briefly, without any flowers in my writing, so just imagine that I was writing creatively and have you all excited about painting classes.
Remember that you’ll never have time for painting if you don’t make time.