As you know our Sawmill studio classes are on hold for now since we are taking virus precautions.
Please join us for one of our online classes.
We are making plans to resume studio classes once it’s safe for us.
What’s Coming ▪ First of all, Ros and I have talked and decided to not hold a seminar this year since even though we may be out and about by July (I hope) we won’t have time to prepare. Watch for us next year. ▪ I’ve talked with Tina Norris about the color pencil workshop we wanted to hold in June and we’ll reschedule. Now for more exciting News ▪ I’ve talked with Gail Schmidt and we’re planning on having her come to share her furniture techniques. If you haven’t seen what she’s been creating with painting techniques, stencils, molds, and transfers be sure to check out her Face Book page to see her beautiful creations. ▪ Some of you have met Lynda Chambers in our evening pastel class. Lynda is a wonderful watercolor artist. We have plans for her to teach some watercolor classes at the studio. She is working on a Poppies class and we’ll have details a little later. ▪ We still have our workshop with Kathie George in November. Kathie has been creating some exciting paintings at home. I already have some ideas picked out and I’ve talked with Kathie. We’re both looking on painting with you in Nov. Save the dates Nov 16, 17, and 18, 2020. Look ahead and plan to join us. |