We have an exciting schedule planned for this fall at Artful Endeavors. Classes, workshops, and seminars.
October will be here soon with hints of autumn in the air and fall colors on our palettes. I think I see some red and green for the holidays there also.
1 & 8 Wed am starts a delightful Helan Barrick Star Make Santa. 10am – 2p
1 & 8, Wed 5p – 7:30 we’ll paint a Ros Stallcup Christmas ribbon and holly design.
My vacation is the week of Oct 14 & 15 so no classes
23 Pet Portraits , Thurs, 10am – 5p. Call or email for details. this is a specially requested workshop
25 Halloween Cat, Sat 10 – 1p. No experience needed and all supplies included.
6 Bringing home the tree. Special workshop with the Albemarle painters. More wonderful Helan Barrick kids. Contact me for details.17, 18, & 19 Kathie George Seminar. We still have some seats available so register now.
More Weekly Classes: Check the schedule for more weekly classes.
2015 Seminars
Our year will be full of exciting seminars and workshops so plan ahead and go ahead and register.
March 20 & 21, Spring ArtFling with Gail and Liz
May 29, 30, & 31, Susan Crouch register now to secure your seat. This seminar fills quickly.
July 22 – 25, Ros Stallcup. Four days of painting with Ros this summer.Watch the schedule for more workshops and seminars.
CADANC, chapter of SDP, is having 2 seminar at Artful Endeavors next year also. Join our chapter to paint with us at our terrific seminars with:
April: colored pencil Janelle Johnson
Oct-Nov: watercolor with Mark Polomchak