Going to the Beach

The sea breeze must be reaching all the way to the Triangle because we’ve had lots of painters registering for our beach related classes. I’m right there with the rest of you, dreaming of some leisure

Beach Time 3 hr workshop

Beach Time
3 hr workshop

time at the beach.

The Beach Time, 3 hr workshop has been quite popular, and we have painters attending the day class and more for the evening class. What can be more fun that painting the coast.  No prior experience is needed but also fun for those of you who already paint.

Register now!

In Cary we’re getting ready to paint one of Ros Stallcup’s wharf designs with a long fishing pier on a misty coast.  Ros is a master at coastal themed paintings. Always fun for us to paint too.

Wharf A Ros Stallcup design

A Ros Stallcup design

Register now!







I have just finished the colored pencil design for our workshop on May 15.  We’re “painting” one of Janelle Johnson’s Great Blue Heron. It was lots of fun and an excellent basic colored pencil lesson. We’ll learn the basic strokes and blending while creating a fun piece of art.  If you’ve wanted to try colored pencil join us for some new techniques.

Register now!

Great Blue Heron Colored Pencil a Janelle Johnson design

Great Blue Heron
Colored Pencil
a Janelle Johnson design

Ros’ paintings are at the studio for you to see.  And they look like so much fun to paint.  Ros designed these just for us and we’ll be the first to paint them. Registration is open for the July whole week or single days. I have our surfaces for purchase and have you prep ready for you. Register for Ros’ seminar now.

We have lots more exciting workshops and classes starting soon, so plan to join us at Artful Endeavors.  Visit our class schedule pages to see more information.  All classes except our Tue evening Cary class are held in our Raleigh studio on Sawmill Rd.

Come paint with us!



Our Latest Paintings for Upcoming Classes


Here are my latest paintings for our upcoming classes at Artful Endeavors.  Here’s your chance to join us.


Beach Time 3 hr workshop

Beach Time
3 hr workshop

May 10, Beach Time.  $34. One of our 3 hr workshops where we complete a painting in one class.  This time we’re painting a bit of warm weather at the beach with this weathered post waiting for a sea gull’s landing.  My version of a Ros Stallcup design. There are day and evening options.  And no prior experience is required.

Register Now! More information…




Wharf A Ros Stallcup design

A Ros Stallcup design

April 30, May 7, & 21.  Wharf.  A moody Ros Stallcup design with a little extra texture.  Our Cary class has been waiting for this painting.

Register Now!


What We’re Painting in April at Artful Endeavors

Spring is finally here! I was away April’s first weekend and when I returned, spring had happened. The wisteria, forsythia, monarda and lots of other plants have busted into bloom.  NC is looking very colorful right now. And after the rains the last weeks we’re looking very green, all the lively, fresh, spring greens. I love to see all these different shades of green. Now I would like to see a little more rain to wash away some of the yellow pollen.

Speaking of being away the other weekend, Gail and I took a long over due get-away-trip to Nashville TN to Art Is You, art retreat, and had a wonderful time. I thought I would enjoy my 2 classes but was very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed them.  What fun, doing something totally different and learning new skills.  Did you see the photos from my last post? There you’ll see my sculpted doll, Maureen I named her, and my wild Baba Yaga birdhouse. I’ve had such fun showing them off. Now I want to do more………….  Gail and I had a chance to catch up with each other, share an art experience, and meet lots of new friends and some that we had just known over the computer. Nice to put a face with the text.

The theme that kept coming up at the retreat was that it’s not about finishing a project that’s so important to our creative souls, but the creative process. That’s been on my mind a lot recently even before AIY. I have so many not yet finished paintings and some of them I am not interested in finishing because I’m at a different place in my artistic journey. I’ve progressed in my art knowledge, technique, and, most importantly, what excited and inspires me. So, it’s OK if I paint over something and start a new painting. Now that liberating.  I hope my students are learning, stretching and are motivated to try new processes or go further with what intrigues them.  I’ll still rejoice with them when they finish a painting too.

Ros Stallcup’s samples are at the studio! Her paintings are wonderful. It’s always such a treat to see what she creates from our vague ideas from the previous summer. Come by the studio to see these beautiful paintings, register, and/or pick up your prep and surfaces.  I do have surfaces for sale and they are at the studio.

Register now and see larger photos!

Mabry's Mill/Tuesday

Mabry’s Mill/Tuesday

Crepe Myrtle/Sunday

Crepe Myrtle/Sunday


Copper and Zinnias/ Monday
Copper and Zinnias/ Monday

Garden Cart/Thursday










I’m working on our upcoming class samples and have several started. Be sure to check the schedule and plan to join us for some exciting painting.  We have more Dorothy Dent designs, a paint your own building scape, a large beautiful Iris, a colored pencil workshop, and several requested workshops. We also have new 3 hr workshops coming in May and June. These workshops require no previous experience so are excellent for anyone wanting to experience a painting class with us, children 8 and up, plus our experienced painters who are enticed by the subject. You can find all of our classes and workshops by clicking on classes on our menu.

Kathie George and I are working out the detail for her Nov seminar at Artful Endeavors. She has sent photos for us to choose from and that’s the difficult part, narrowing down our choices. They are all terrific. Stop by the studio soon if you would like to offer an opinion.  We’ll have some combination of batik, watercolor, and mixed media. Be sure to mark your calendar for Nov 11, 12, & 13, that’s Mon-Wed, 2013.  More detail soon!

More later.  Enjoy your painting journey.  Liz

On the Easel- in progress…

Just a peak at what I’m painting right now. Just wish I have twice the painting time. Each one is totally absorbing.

Oranges and Brass a Donna Bryant Waterson design

Oranges and Brass
a Donna Bryant Waterson design

Sunflowers in Vase

Sunflowers in Vase
a Dorothy Dent design

Out to Pasture A Dorothy Dent design

Out to Pasture
A Dorothy Dent design

Wharf a Ros Stallcup design

Wharf a Ros Stallcup design












Art Is You

Gail and I just returned from 4 fun art filled days in Nashville at Art Is You. This was the first year for this location for AIY and seemed to be a success.  Just a few photos to give you a taste of our adventure. We made lots of new artful friends and had a terrific time learning and experimenting with new techniques.

Art Bar 2 Art Bar 2Gail and Liz

Creating dolls

Creating dolls

Sunny's dolls. Our awesome teacher.

Sunny’s dolls. Our awesome teacher.

My doll, Maureen ready to travel.

My doll, Maureen ready to travel.

Sunny's necklaces. I had to have one with a cat.

Sunny’s necklaces. I had to have one with a cat.

Painting Baba Yaga birdhouses.

Painting Baba Yaga birdhouses.

My table partner, Winn's terrific birdhouse.

My table partner, Winn’s terrific birdhouse.

My creation.

My creation.


Our birdhouses.

Our birdhouses.


We’re looking forward to next year!





Artful Endeavors Update

Bunny in basket

Bunny in basket

Welcome to spring! I think, maybe, but we can’t tell from the cold weather. Although it’s still good weather to be inside where it’s warm and to paint. And the warm days have been delightful.

It’s been a busy winter at Artful Endeavors and spring is looking to be just as busy. We’re in the midst of projects and plans for our upcoming seminars.
Ros Stallcup seminar update: The first of April single day registration is available. Ros usually sends our new projects in April so that we can get excited about them. I understand that she has been working on them. She paints completely new designs for us and we are the very first to paint them.  As soon as they arrive we’ll take photos and post them for you to see.
• I’m working on our upcoming projects and have paintings and paints all over my table. Raleigh morning’s next painting is Copper and Oranges, a very dramatic Donna Bryant Waterson design that we’ll paint mostly in Traditions paints. It’s lots of fun working with all these rich browns and oranges. This class starts April 10th, 10-3p, for 2 wks.
• Lots of news about our Cary classes. Chambers Arts is changing hands. JJ Jiang is taking over the studio April 1 and will be offering classes. We’ll look forward to see what he does with the studio, newly named Village Arts Circle. JJ is pleased to have us painting at his studio and our Cary classes will continue as scheduled on Tue evenings. Yeah! Our next project is another Dorothy Dent design called Out to Pasture, a wonderful old yellow truck abandoned in front of a barn. My Raleigh students who have seen the beginning progress on this painting have been interested in it too. We might have to paint it in Raleigh too.

• I’m emailing with Kathie George and plan to have our Nov seminar information for you by May. Batiks and mixed media!

• We have new Sunday workshops coming up throughout spring so be sure to check the schedule. I had requests for Night Vision, the stormy sea and light house; another paint your pet; colored pencil; Sunning Turtles; and a batik. They are all on the schedule so just go the classes drop down on the web site and look for workshops.

  • We’ve scheduled new Wed evening classes, Trudy Beard’s Santa in White, this time in smaller size for one evening painting, and a batik.  Here’s your chance to either try batik for the first time or choose your own design and have some help from me.

• I’m planning more 3 hr workshops and working them into the schedule so watch for them.
• Our painters have been turning out some exciting new paintings. I’ve posted some of them on the web site so be sure to look for them.
• I saw some of you for our parent and child workshop where we painted the cute black and white bunny in a basket. It was a lively class and we had lots of FUN!  The kids painted wonderfully and the adults did also.

This Wed afternoon I’ll leave to pick up Gail for Art Is You, an art retreat in Nashville, TNN. We’ll be learning some things totally different for both of us and planning to have a lot of fun. It’s been awhile since we’ve taken a trip together and are looking forward to our adventure. There will be no afternoon or evening class on April 3 since I’ll leave after the morning class.

Hope to see you painting with us soon!
