We’ve been wanting to paint Kathie George’s Egret for quite awhile and ,as long as we have no more snow days, we’ll paint it together soon. I’ve worked on my sample and even showed it to Kathie who approves. Hope you do too. Come paint with us.
Just a few update notes for you. I need to get back to some painting.
Jan is flying by at the studio with lots to paint, the shop to stock, and best of all, students returning from the holidays. We’re well into our Jan class schedule with enthusiasm and plenty of ideas for upcoming projects. I have the best-est students ever.
Morning ride has and is turning out awesome, each students adding their own flavor to the painting. We’re still working on the painting in Cary and I’m looking forward to their finished painting, some of them quite excitingly large.
Our Raleigh group is starting the first in our Doorway series. Some of the student are painting my design but some of them will be designing their own doorway painting. I hope more will join them in the next of our doorways.
Our Nesting mixed media turned out awesome. Lots of personal touches there. Thought you might like to see some of the student’s paintings. This design was lots of creative fun.
CADANC, Capital Area Decorative Artists NC, meet at the studio for their first meeting of 2014. It was so nice to see everyone and share a painting experience. Susan T was our teacher and she did a wonderful job of instructing us in painting a pet. Well you all know that this is one of my favorite painting subjects and I was enthused. It took me most of the month to decide on which cat photo from which to paint. After making a couple of choices and printing them, at the last minute I changed my mind and chose another, just like choosing from the menu at a restaurant if the server gives you too much time to make up your mind. I did love my final decision, George again. He was so photogenic, a green eyed handsome fellow. Here he is. I was very pleased and am ready to paint another of my earlier choices, but class project need to come first.
OK I need to move over to my painting table where I have projects waiting to be started. I’m off to paint.
I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday season with lots of time for family, friends, and fun. I’ve enjoyed myself this year on our holiday break. I’ve had some time with my family, attended some awesome holiday parties, and had some quiet, soothing, creative time.
Here are some of the paintings that I completed for my family for Christmas. I can show you now since I’ve given them. My family member were very pleased.
Now I’m ready to see all my terrific students and get back to sharing our art.
Yesterday was our Back to Painting Party and it was exciting to see everyone, our usual crew, some who I had not see in awhile, and some who are new to our area or just haven’t paint with us before. And there are some new enthusiasts who want to get involved with art and painting. I’m always excited about introducing other to our creative ventures.
I’m now preparing myself for our 2014 painting. My Jan to-do list looks something like this:
Upcoming in Jan 2014:
We have lots of new classes planned with new techniques popping up as well as some of our usual favorites. Over the past several months we’ve acquired a list of projects that we want to paint. Here they come.
Our Wed day class and Cary evening class want to paint the Morning Ride that I painted for my brother for Christmas. Photo is above.
For Wed evening, we have a mixed media painting planned called Nesting. Our version of a Linda Lock design. Lots of fun techniques and all in one 3 hr evening!
We have a workshop coming up on Jan 25th, Watercolor Poppies in the Rain, a Mark Polomchak design. I need to get that sample painted so you can see it.
For more class info including hrs and dates, please check the classes pages.
Let me know if you enjoyed the new web design. I’m off to be creative! Liz
We sure did pack in the painting with Kathie during our 3 days this year, each day different new techniques and skills. I’ve painted with Kathie, learning batik, but each time I paint with her I learn something new, and this year was no exception. And Kathie is such a patient, sharing person, giving her time and talents to everyone of us at her class. Once more a successful seminar.
And Kathie is taking some lucky painters on a painting holiday to South Africa next April 12 -23, 2014. Be sure to check out the details on Kathie’s web site. You might just want to join her.
Here a just a few moments from our seminar. I was so absorbed with my painting that I didn’t get photos the first 2 days so here is our last day of fun. Love the ducks and the dyes. We’re making plans for more dye projects. What fun. Notice the concentration and then smiles with the completed paintings.
What fun to visit the NC State Fair each year and see our beautiful decorative paintings displayed for our community to see and this year was no exception.
Rick and I went to the State Fair on Sunday, the last day of our vacation, and were very pleased with all your art work submissions, beautiful work. I saw lots of ribbons and even more paintings that I would have given ribbons to. While we were at the exhibit two women walked up, one pointing out a pumpkin and squash painting by one of our students that did not receive a ribbon. She exclaimed how much she loved that “pumpkin painting”, the other woman agreeing. Then a mother and son walked up to the exhibit and the son was holding out his mobile phone to take a photo of a painting with a wolf, again which did not get a ribbon. I asked him if he liked the wolf and as he gestured yes with a head nod, his mom explained that he loved wolves and had brought her to see the painting that he liked. I’m sure there were many more paintings not receiving ribbons that were some one’s favorite. If you are on face book, Artful Endeavors page, you can see all the admiring “likes” and comments on the St Fair photos that I posted. If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to “like” Artful Endeavors
As far as I am concerned, you all were winners to me. Thanks for sharing your art. It’s our best form of advertizing and letting others know what terrific painting you are doing.
If you haven’t been to the fair yet, decorative painting has a larger area this year, down where the carving used to be and across from the fudge.
Congratulations to Carol Burns for earning Best In Show Hobbyist Category for her mixed media. Beautiful Carol.
Congratulations Jean S for your blue ribbon.
Congratulations to Dianne W and all our ribbon earners.
Beautiful Maggie W. Congrats!
So many beautiful paintings entered this year. Our original paintings made an excellent showing.
Congrats Emiko.
Congrats Jean S. And Donna B.
If you go to the Arts and Photography exhibit be sure to look for Rick’s photos. He had both of his photos displayed this year, a win in itself. 75 out of 300+ were displayed for the professional category. He had the oak tree like the photo in our hall and our clothes line with clothes pins in the fog.
We’ve had a fun and busy summer at Artful Endeavors filled with seminars, workshops, and classes all exploring new subjects and techniques. I’ve added just a few photos here for our reminiscences. Notice all the smiles.
Please check our seminar pages for more of out photos for Ros’ seminar and ArtFling.
Artful Endeavors Update
I just got back in town this afternoon from teaching a terrific group of women in the DC chapter. We had good time painting and they treated me royally. We painted the leaf trilogy, chickadee and dogwood, and Under the Maple, so lots of techniques and lot of painting to do, but, they were up to the challenge.
It’s now fall with a little nip in the air, at least today. Our upcoming painting schedule is filled with fall and holiday projects.
I’m now reorganizing my “to do” list, so here it is:
That should get me through the next week and a half.
More notes:
Our terrific new Creative Workshops site is up and running.
To celebrate we’re having a blog party all this week where you visit the teacher’s blogs and can leave a comment for a chance to win free classes as well as see their wonderful work. Check out my blog to get started and for links to the other teachers. Remember to leave a comment. What fun!
Register now for our seminar with Kathie George, Nov 11, 12, & 13!
I hope to see you at the studio soon.
A few important notes for you:
· We’re painting with Ros next week so there are no regular classes. The following week I am taking off for a short break to catch my breath. Classes will resume on Aug 6 & 7. Tue open class resumes on Aug 6. Let me know if you plan to join us.
· We have lots of fun painting planned for Aug so be sure to plan ahead. You can register for all the classes on line or at the studio.
Wed am starts the Wolf on Aug 7 so be sure to get your prep this week. He’s a handsome fellow I think. Register now.
· Wed pm continues with Basics on Aug 7 with Trudy Beard’s Garden Shed. We’ll be using lots of good refresher techniques and finishing a delightful painting in our 3 hrs. Anyone can join us for some painting fun. Register this week.
· Wed afternoon, 2p-4p, painters are working on the Iris in our open class. If you want to paint this beautiful design join us either this week, tomorrow, or Aug 7 . Get your prep this week.
· Our Cary classes are moving in Aug. So far we are painting the Iris at Linda’s house. If you are interested in joining us
starting Aug 13, contact me to register and get directions.
· ArtFling update: If you can’t resist joining us for Gail’s Gelli Print class, and I hope you can’t resist, please register by July 30. Gail needs to order our Gelli mats so that we’ll be prepared. Plan on joining my nostalgic, misty morning, Rope Swing class too. I won’t teach this project again for at least 6 mo. So don’t pass up this opportunity. Don’t’ forget to register by July 30. Did I mention that you should register by July 30?
· It’s also time to register for the Cobalt and Hydrangeas if you haven’t do so already. This will be the last time I’ll teach this project for about a year. Register by Aug 23.
· We’ve schedule another parent/child class for Aug 6, that’s Tue afternoon, 1p-3p. We’re painting a light house! Plan to join us. Register by contacting me by the end of July.
Hope to see you at our air-conditioned studio in Aug!
Liz Miller CDA
Artful Endeavors
200 Sawmill Rd, Suite 201
Raleigh NC 27615