Some of you know that I’m working my way through Sebastian Michaels Photoshop Artistry Online course and thoroughly enjoying it. I’ve had fun learning to create art using my own photos, usually the photos that are not the best, and making something special from them.
I use Photoshop Elements for my photo artistry and have learned so much from the course. Love using the layers and collecting my own grunge textures to use for my creations. I’ve also used photos of some of my paintings as a starting point.
Using my smart phone or tablet with the already installed photo editing program seemed quite limited with possibilities, so I’ve searched for a photo editing program that had multiple artistic options in one app. I found the PicsArt app and am enjoying it on my phone and tablet. We found out that it is available for I Pad also and I have Maggie enjoying it too. Now I can be photo-artistic on the go.