Date: Fri, Feb 22, 6-9p at Artful Endeavors with Liz Miller
All supplies and surface will be provided.
No experience needed.
Bring your own wine and snack to share
Come join us for an evening of fun where you will paint the face of your own cat on an 8×10” canvas. Don’t have a cat? Purr Partners has many kitties you can paint. No experience is needed, just the desire to enjoy the experience with friends.
Bring a photo of your cat face for coloring. We’ll use a pattern for the face so no drawing is required. All supplies and surface are provided.
And we’ll party, so bring a bottle of wine and a snack to share.
Proceeds from our workshop go to Purr Partners Feline Rescue for the benefit of our cats.
Register Now! $45
Or mail your check to Liz Miller,
Artful Endeavors 200 Sawmill Rd, Suite 201, Raleigh, NC 27615