Your creative engines that is. It’s the last week in Aug, kids are returning to school, and there’s art in the air. In the studio too!
I hope you have all had a good summer with lots of fun, family, and friends. For those of you have had challenges this year, I sending positive thoughts and looking forward to having all of you back to painting with us again.
We have a new supply of Americana and Traditions paints and the new DecoArt French stencils. The Chalky Finish paints are in stock with lots of color choices.
We have lots of art experiences planned for this fall including weekly classes, workshops for all ages, and seminars. Wed am and evening classes resume in Sept with new and exciting projects planned. You can find more details on the web site but here are some of the upcoming highlights.

Basic Techniques
Yellow Daisy clock
Session 1
Tue am open class: We’re open for class on Tue am as usual with opportunities for you to make up a missed classes or work on a project of your own with some assistance from me. Also if you are wanting to start your painting experience with us, we’ll work you into our Tue schedule. Please contact me to get started with Decorative Painting Basics. If you just like this painting and want to paint it, you can do that on Tue am also.
- ArtFling: Gail is packing her bags and will be here ready for some mixed media fun on Fri, Sept 5. I’ll take over on Sat to continue with our endeavors. If you are not registered yet, contact me quick! There are supply lists on line and you can register there too.
Sodas and Sundaes Workshop: Join us Sept 27th for a 4 hr workshop painting these colorful ornaments. Could be for your holiday tree but just too darn cute not to keep out all year. Register now!
- Halloween cat workshop: Did someone say toilet paper? Oh yes, that was me. Come see what I have designed using the cardboard from TP. Getting ready for some friendly Halloween festivities Oct 25, 10a – 1p. Fun for 8yrs and up. Join us and bring a friend. Register now!
- Wed evening classes: Our classes are starting back again starting Sept 3. We’ll have our weekly crew working on a fall schedule for classes, but also look for special workshops as well as a chance to start our decorative painting basics.
Kathie George seminar: Register now for our seminar with Kathie. Register and details. We have some awesome new techniques to explore with Kathie. Do you Yupo?
- Susan Crouch seminar: Register now before Sept 5th to secure your seat in our seminar with Susan, May 29-31, 2015, and take advantage of preregistration discounts. Registration opens to everyone on Sept 5. Details and registration.
NC State Fair: Remember to register your entries before Sept 19th. NC St. Fair 2015
It’s time to get you entries registered for this year’s NC state fair. Entry forms need to be completed and mailed or emailed by Sept 19, 2015.
Be sure to notice that the groups have changed. There is no professional group any longer. There is E/experienced, 5 yrs or more of experience, or N/novice, less than 5 yrs experience.
You can enter one item in up to 10 categories.
You can find the complete instructions at
And on line entry at
That’s all I can think of right now but watch the web site and blog for updates. Hope to see you at the studio soon.