What fun to visit the NC State Fair each year and see our beautiful decorative paintings displayed for our community to see and this year was no exception.
Rick and I went to the State Fair on Sunday, the last day of our vacation, and were very pleased with all your art work submissions, beautiful work. I saw lots of ribbons and even more paintings that I would have given ribbons to. While we were at the exhibit two women walked up, one pointing out a pumpkin and squash painting by one of our students that did not receive a ribbon. She exclaimed how much she loved that “pumpkin painting”, the other woman agreeing. Then a mother and son walked up to the exhibit and the son was holding out his mobile phone to take a photo of a painting with a wolf, again which did not get a ribbon. I asked him if he liked the wolf and as he gestured yes with a head nod, his mom explained that he loved wolves and had brought her to see the painting that he liked. I’m sure there were many more paintings not receiving ribbons that were some one’s favorite. If you are on face book, Artful Endeavors page, you can see all the admiring “likes” and comments on the St Fair photos that I posted. If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to “like” Artful Endeavors
As far as I am concerned, you all were winners to me. Thanks for sharing your art. It’s our best form of advertizing and letting others know what terrific painting you are doing.
If you haven’t been to the fair yet, decorative painting has a larger area this year, down where the carving used to be and across from the fudge.

Congratulations to Carol Burns for earning Best In Show Hobbyist Category for her mixed media. Beautiful Carol.

Congratulations Jean S for your blue ribbon.

Congratulations to Dianne W and all our ribbon earners.

Beautiful Maggie W. Congrats!

So many beautiful paintings entered this year. Our original paintings made an excellent showing.

Congrats Emiko.

Congrats Jean S. And Donna B.

If you go to the Arts and Photography exhibit be sure to look for Rick’s photos. He had both of his photos displayed this year, a win in itself. 75 out of 300+ were displayed for the professional category. He had the oak tree like the photo in our hall and our clothes line with clothes pins in the fog.